Imagine getting pulled over and accused of a DUI even though you were completely innocent. Imagine spending over 5 months in jail even though your test results came back negative- more than once. Imagine losing your job and your place to live because of this extended false imprisonment. You think this is a fictional story?…
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Various Faces of Police
The recent events in Ferguson have once again brought to light the issue of police interaction with the public. A culture of lack of training, lack of oversight and systematic arrogance have created an epidemic where the next Ferguson MO could be in your or my backyard. While there are many very hardworking and professional…
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Field Sobriety Circus
Here’s how the story goes: you get pulled over by a police officer who suspects your car swerved a bit. The officer asks if you have been drinking and before you know it you are on the street walking an imaginary line, following a pen with your eyes and standing on one leg. You might…
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Another Ridiculous DUI
I really don’t have much to say. The story speaks for itself: Juneau man gets DUI on raft in Chena River FAIRBANKS — A Juneau man faces a rare DUI charge for allegedly having a 0.313 breath-alcohol content as he floated through Fairbanks on an inflatable raft Sunday night. Alaska’s driving under the influence law…
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A DUI Arrest Can Happen Any Time of the Day
With summer in full swing, police in Pennsylvania are paroling day and night looking for DUI. One of the problems this creates for the citizen accused is that it is hard to find proper legal advice in the middle of the night. This can negatively impact their chances at a successful defense because getting the…
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Clarification on DUI Prescription Drugs
On a recent post about DUI prescription drugs a reader commented that prescription drugs in fact do impair drivers and thus they are not innocent. I feel this issue needs to be clarified. While many prescription drugs can cause impairment, there is a growing number of cases where a driver took prescription drugs, was not…
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The Reality of Police Profiling
The police profiling people is nothing new. While racial profiling is the most talked about form, profiling can be based on age, clothing, the type of car, being a single male in a car after 2 am or anything that can trigger the “suspicion” of the police. The problem is that these types of “clues”…
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Why Do You Support DUI?
In my years of defending DUI cases in Pennsylvania, one of the most common misconceptions I come across is people questioning why I support DUI. The fact of the matter is, I don’t support drunk driving. It is dangerous and many lives are needlessly lost because of DUI each year. Asking a DUI defense attorney…
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How to Save Yourself from a False DUI Conviction
Over the holidays, many Pennsylvania drivers will be stopped by police for DUI. Law enforcement is a human endeavor and police officers are prone to mistakes which can lead to false arrest. As citizens fit is up to you to arm yourself with knowledge of the law so you can protect yourself against a false…
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Pennsylvania Police Officer Admits to Lying in DUI Cases
We all want to trust the police and see them as upright protectors of justice. While many police officers are very professional and take their responsibility very seriously, there are others who are corrupt and use unscrupulous tactics that harm the common citizen. Bad cops exist everywhere and there is no shortage of them in…
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