Harrisburg based Pennsylvania DUI Lawyer, Justin J McShane, Esquire on January 8, 2009, became Pennsylvania’s first and consequently only certified attorney in “Field Sobriety Assessment” or (FSA). From, the the FSA website FSA promotes objective, science-based behavioral assessment of intoxication, including the use of field sobriety testing. It provides training and certification to professionals involved in DWI…
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DUI Innocence Project: 93% Wrong-False Use of Roadside Tests Can Lead to False Arrest
We have all heard of the “Innocence Project” which is a national joint legal and scientific project to identify and where appropriate re-examine cases where guilt has been found and after being examined with “fresh eyes” and with the use of DNA to either confirm or exonerate those actually convicted of a crime. To date,…
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The Problem with Drug Recognition Expert and Why it is Designed for Failure
When people think of DUI, they often think of Drunk Driving meaning drinking too much alcohol. There is, of course, another form of DUI that is referred to as DUID or Driving Under the Influence of Drugs, both legal prescription drugs and illegal drugs. As such, it now becomes very important for DUI Lawyers to…
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