DUI blood testing is very complex. There are specific scientific procedures which need to be followed in order to produce a valid result. The only way to challenge the result is to know the science behind the tests better than the state experts. This is the big question that you must ask yourself about your…
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National Trial Lawyers Top 100
One of the most difficult aspects of being charged with a DUI or related offenses has got to be finding the perfect attorney who has the combination of reputation, knowledge, experience, interest in your particular case and most of all guts. It has to be a daunting task. Who your attorney is very much dictates…
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Attorney McShane Published in NCDD Journal
Recently, I had an article published the journal of the National College for DUI Defense. The article was entitled, “Why I Don’t Stipulate to Forensic Tests.” In legal terminology, stipulating to a test means to accept the results as true and accurate. In other words, it is established and is beyond any question. In the…
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How Bad Can a Bad Lawyer Really Be?
No matter how many times it’s said, some people still don’t understand how bad a bad lawyer can really be. The Innocence Project list bad lawyering as one of the leading causes to false convictions. Here is an excerpt from on of the profiles highlighting this issue: The exoneration and release of Jimmy Ray Bromgard…
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The Difference Between a DUI Professional and a Wannabe
Robert Frost once said: A jury consists of twelve persons chosen to decide who has the better lawyer. Choosing the right lawyer is a decision that can have a profound effect on the outcome of your case. A good lawyer will do everything they can to protect your rights while a bad lawyer can lead…
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Super Lawyers Names Attorney McShane a Rising Star
The 2012 issue of Super Lawyers Magazine has been released for Pennsylvania and Delaware and once again Attorney Justin McShane of The McShane Firm has been selected as a Rising Star in DUI Defense. (You can view Justin’s listing at https://digital.superlawyers.com/superlawyers/penndelaware2012?pg=89#pg89 ). Super Lawyers Magazine uses a very critical selection process and in the end,…
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5 Questions to Ask a DUI Lawyer You Plan to Hire
For many people who are charged with a DUI, this is their first encounter with the criminal justice system. DUI cases are unique because they are highly technical and require scientific knowledge as well as legal expertise to defend properly. This is why choosing the right lawyer is the single most important decision you can…
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What Happens When You Choose the Wrong Lawyer
For a person charged with a DUI, selecting the right lawyer is the most important choice they can make. In my travels across Pennsylvania and across the country, I have noticed a huge difference in the approach that attorneys take in handling DUI cases: There is one group which rigorously prepares and defends DUI cases…
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PA DUI Attorney to Present at NACDL National Seminar
PA DUI Attorney Justin McShane has been invited to speak at the highly regarded “Making Sense of Science” Seminar hosted by the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. The title for this seminar is ” Forensic Science and the Law”. Attorney McShane has been invited to give a lecture entitled “Pharmacology for Lawyers.” Pharmacology is…
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Challenging DUI Blood Evidence Part 6: Questions You Should Ask Your Attorney
When you are facing a Pennsylvania DUI case involving blood evidence, you need an experienced and knowledgeable attorney to defend your case. Understanding DUI blood testing involves having a high level of knowledge in many disciplines of science. If your lawyers does not understand blood testing, you will have almost no chance of winning your…
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