Every Friday we take a look at some of the most commonly asked questions about Pennsylvania DUI so we can clear up any misconceptions and provide you with the most up-to-date and accurate information about Pennsylvania DUI laws and related topics. Today: Dear Pennsylvania DUI Lawyer, My license was suspended for one year and even…
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Senator Folmer: Asset forfeiture law violates the constitutional rights of Pennsylvania residents
In theory, asset forfeiture is a practice is used by police to seize assets and ill-gotten gains from criminal enterprises like drug cartels. That is the intent behind the law anyhow. Sounds good right? However, the reality is very very different. Police are allowed to seize those assets before any actual crime has been charged or proven….
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Teenage DUI– Convict the Homeowner??
It’s called the Social Host Ordinance. Although it is not here in Pennsylvania in an explicit statute, where the SHO statute is in place, the SHO applies to any gathering where three or more people are present in a private home where alcohol is served to minors under the age of 21. If passed, not…
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Pennsylvania Law Update: Stiffer Penalties for Fatal Hit and Runs
This month, a new law went into effect which enhances the penalties for fatal hit-and-run violations. The new law increased the maximum sentence for a fatal hit-and-run to 10 years from seven. The mandatory minimum sentence remains at one year in prison. The offense gravity score, prior record score calculation, and the nature of the…
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Life in Prison for a DUI
DUI laws are becoming more and more stringent as lawmakers try to make a name for themselves. One bill would punish DUI cases resulting in death with life in prison: Delegate lobbies for DUI bill CHARLESTON, W.Va – Delegate Brian Savilla made an emotional plea to his House colleagues Wednesday to consider his bill toughening…
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State Bill Seeks to Mandate DUI Interlock Devices for Non-DUI Charges
State lawmakers in Washington State have proposed a bill that would require DUI ignition interlock devices for those who have had their DUI charges reduced to reckless driving: Goodman is sponsoring another bill, HB 2443, that would require the use of breath alcohol ignition interlock devices for those originally charged with DUI but convicted of…
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Pennsylvania Driving while Texting Ban Highlights DUI Hypocrisy
Pennsylvania driving while texting penalties underscore the political nature of criminal penalties in PA. Under the new measure, drivers found guilty of driving while texting (DWT) would face a $50 fine. Compare this to the penalties for DUI and you will notice a huge discrepancy. Pa. Senate Approves Texting While Driving Ban Governor Expected To…
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New Teen Driving Laws Leave the Potential for Abuse
New teen driving laws recently signed into law, change the ground rules for teen driving and also open new doors for law enforcement, which can be abused. As part of the new measures, police will now be allowed to pull over drivers under 18 for not wearing a seat belt. This was previously not the…
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Pennsylvania Bans Bath Salts and Synthetic Marijuana
The Pennsylvania State Senate has moved to ban bath salts and synthetic marijuana. The bill now awaits Gov. Corbett’s signature to be passed into law. Under the proposed bill, bath salts and synthetic drugs like Spice and K2 will be banned and classified as “Schedule 1” drugs. Penalties for Bath Salts and Synthetic Marijuana Unless…
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Late to School, Lose Your PA Driving License
Pennsylvania bill would take driver’s license away from truant teens It’s really sad to see lawmakers try to take the easy way out on important issues in society. Here in Pennsylvania, one proposed bill would strip truant teens of their driving license: Pennsylvania bill would take driver’s license away from truant teens Would taking a…
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