On Oct 6, President Biden issued “A Proclamation on Granting Pardon for the Offense of Simple Possession of Marijuana“. This is a blanket pardon for anyone who was convicted of simple possession of marijuana under federal law. While many people from all sides of the political spectrum applauded this move, it is important to look…
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The federal government broke its medical-marijuana promise
Despite many states legalizing the use of medical marijuana, the federal government still considers marijuana a Schedule I substance which makes possession of it completely illegal. Furthermore, promises to remove some of the procedural red tape which has been making it difficult for legal dispensaries to operate have not been fulfilled. There are also many…
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Medical Marijuana in Pennsylvania
What is the new medical marijuana law in Pennsylvania? Act 16 of 2016, the Medical Marijuana Act, was signed in to law in April 2016. The purpose behind the legislation is to allow safe access of medical marijuana for the purpose of improving quality of life of those with serious medical conditions. The law also…
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Medical Marijuana is now legal in Pennsylvania
Governor Tom Wolf of Pennsylvania signed the Medical Marijuana Bill on Sunday April 17, 2016 making PA the 24th state to legalize medical marijuana. This comes after after a 2 ½ year journey for adults and parents of children who see medicinal value in using marijuana to treat illnesses. Finally on Wednesday, April 13, the…
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