I recently received confirmation from the National College for DUI Defense (NCDD) that I have been selected to present at the 2012 NCDD Summer Session which is held every year on the campus of the Harvard University School of Law. My topic is on “Basic Gas Chromatography for Blood Alcohol Content”. The NCDD Summer Session…
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Attorney McShane to Lecture at Mastering Scientific Evidence, a NCDD National Seminar
PA DUI Attorney Justin McShane to Lecture at the 18th Annual Mastering Scientific Evidence in DWI/DUI Cases I have worked extremely hard to become the best DUI Attorney I can be and have been recognized for this by DUI lawyers all over the country. One of the highest forms of recognition is being asked to…
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The Pennsylvania DUI Lawyers At The McShane Firm Go to NCDD Summer Session at Harvard
At The McShane Firm we are at the forefront in attending high level DUI training seminars to enhance our skills and better defend those accused of a DUI in Pennsylvania. No other Pennsylvania DUI Lawyers attend as much DUI training as we do. This highly specialized training was conducted by the National College for DUI…
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The First and Only Pennsylvania DUI Lawyer Board Certified in DUI Defense
Any regular reader of this blog knows the emphasis The McShane Firm puts on advanced legal training for DUI. No DUI lawyer in Pennsylvania has a training resume that matches mine. In fact, by the end of the year I will have put in over 600 hours worth of advanced DUI and forensic training. That’s…
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DUI Editorial: Shifting the burden: A favorite tactic of DA’s
I just came back from a conference, specifically the NCDD Winter Session, where the nation’s best and brightest DUI Lawyers assembled. At these conferences, people learn as much if not more outside of the formal structured learning sessions as perhaps they do in them. After one of the sessions, at dinner, several of us were lamenting…
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McShane Firm Attorneys Attend Intensive DUI Training held at the Harvard School of Law
The attorneys of The McShane Firm attended and completed specialized, DUI training held at Harvard School of Law this week hosted by the National College for DUI Defense (NCDD). This is just another example of the McShane Firm’s dedication to defending the citizen accused with the latest techniques and information. Out of all of the…
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