DUI Preliminary Hearings in PA: A Brief Introduction I frequently represent people all over the Harrisburg area when they are accused of a DUI. Two of the most frequent questions I get asked are: (A) What is a preliminary hearing all about, and (B) Am I definitely going to go to jail or lose my…
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What to Do if You’re pulled over for DUI in PA
If you are driving in Pennsylvania, this may be the most important blog post you’ll ever read. Over the holidays, Pennsylvania State and local police are busy planning out more DUI roadblocks and DUI focused patrols. So what do you do if you get stopped? OK. Here’s the truth that no one will tell you…
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The McShane Firm Video Library
Today we are proud to announce the release of our new video library. This is a collection of our presentations, lectures and video blogs that we are releasing for the benefit of citizens accused of DUI as well as lawyers who want to learn more about how to better defend a DUI case. There are…
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Top 10 Reasons You Should Hire an Attorney, Even Before You Have Been Charged
10. This won’t go away: If they took your blood, they are going to find something. Whether it is alcohol or prescription drugs, you can expect a charge as soon as the blood reports get back from the lab. 9. Intimidation: When we are retained, we fax the officer to make sure they know that…
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When Will a DUI Come off My Record
One of the most common questions people ask me is when will a DUI conviction come off their record. The short answer is: It won’t. A DUI conviction will never come off your record. In Pennsylvania, a DUI conviction remains part of your criminal forever. A DUI conviction or plea of “guilty” or nolo contendere…
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Pennsylvania Police Officer Admits to Lying in DUI Cases
We all want to trust the police and see them as upright protectors of justice. While many police officers are very professional and take their responsibility very seriously, there are others who are corrupt and use unscrupulous tactics that harm the common citizen. Bad cops exist everywhere and there is no shortage of them in…
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How a Pennsylvania DUI Can Affect Your Child Custody Rights
Under New Pennsylvania Laws: A DUI Conviction for Anyone in Your Home Can Affect Your Custody Rights As I have often mentioned on this blog, the penalties for a Pennsylvania DUI are very severe and they last a lifetime. Unfortunately, these penalties are only getting more and more severe and have serious ramifications on other,…
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DUI Arrests in York County are the 7th Highest in PA
I recently came across some statistics about DUI arrests in York County: York County ranks seventh in Pa. DUI arrests York County had one of the highest rates of DUI arrests in the state from 2008-10. But authorities aren’t sure whether that means the number of people who decided to drive under the influence is…
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Bad Technology and Bad Laws Lead to False DUI Arrests
DUI are cases are very complex. Most of the time, the only evidence is the opinion of a bias police officer and a reading from a blood or breath test. Unfortunately, this opinion evidence coupled with bad technology leads to far too many false DUI arrests. Here as an excellent editorial on the causes for…
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Challenging DUI Blood Evidence Part 5: Cross-Examining Forensic Experts
One question young, ambitious lawyers often ask me is, “how do you effectively cross-examine forensic experts?” Cross-examining the prosecution’s experts is one of the most important stages in a DUI case because if that “expert” testimony is left unchallenged, the blood alcohol reading or the drug concentration result will be accepted and most certainly will…
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