At PA DUI Blog we have detailed the numerous criminal and financial penalties of a DUI conviction in Pennsylvania and the honest truth is, a DUI conviction is horribly costly and will cost you for the rest of your life. When you factor in the fines, increased insurance premiums, time lost at work and possible…
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Challenging DUI Blood Evidence Part 4: Sources of Error in Blood Testing
Being able to challenge DUI blood evidence effectively is one of the ways The McShane Firm separates itself from the rest of the crowd in Pennsylvania. Our attorneys are experienced at exposing the weaknesses in the government’s case and challenging its evidence. DUI blood testing inherently has a number of sources of error that can…
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What is Court Like?
People who have never had any legal trouble always wonder what is court like? Well, nothing in life is fair and the justice system is no different, especially when you are dealing with a DUI. When you step into court to fight a DUI charge, you are up against a strong, experienced gang of professionals…
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Challenging DUI Blood Evidence Part 3: Testing for Drugs
In Pennsylvania DUI cases, blood testing evidence holds a place of great importance because its results are normally seen as accurate and scientific. Prosecutors think that blood evidence is without flaw. This is far from true. In this series, Challenging DUI Blood Evidence, we offer a simple yet comprehensive look at blood testing in DUI…
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Challenging DUI Blood Evidence Part 2: How Blood is Tested
In our on-going series on DUI blood testing, we aim to educate our readers to help them understand the evidence collected against them. Today we examine How Blood is Tested for DUI Cases. When it comes to blood testing for DUI cases they come in two types and then sub-types. The first category depends upon…
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Pennsylvania State Police Make Record Number of DUI Arrests in 2010
Pennsylvania State Police has reported its DUI arrest numbers for 2010: HARRISBURG, Pa., April 21, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Pennsylvania State Police made a record number of arrests for driving under the influence in 2010, while the number of alcohol-related crashes investigated by troopers dropped slightly, Commissioner Frank Noonan announced today. “Protecting the public is the…
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How Long Will I be Punished for a PA DUI?
One thing that people don’t realize is the sheer extent of the penalties for a PA DUI conviction. Not only are the penalties extremely harsh, those convicted suffer from the penalties of a DUI for the rest of their lives. It is not something that will be over and done with quickly. For example, if…
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Tougher Penalties for repeat Pennsylvania drunk drivers
A lot of politics surround the issue of DUI in PA. There are many powerful lobbies like MADD and the Pennsylvania DUI Association that are pushing for harsher penalties for DUI and have even proposed some legislation that, in essence, assumes that a suspect is guilty before they have had a chance in court. I…
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Dear PA DUI Attorney: Should I Take a Portable Breath Test?
If I am stopped for a DUI in PA, am I required to Take the Hand-held Breath Test? A lot of people get into trouble simply for not knowing their rights when stopped for a PA DUI. Police know this and try to intimidate people into obeying their orders and in the process forgo the…
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Increasing Penalties for DUI in PA
Many states around the country are pushing for tougher DUI laws in the upcoming legislative session. There have been debates about this in the Pennsylvania legislator as well. Many times passing tougher penalties for criminal offenses is easy for lawmakers because many voters support stricter consequences for criminal offenses. This stems from the incorrect belief…
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