A Pennsylvania Teacher must report their criminal convictions to the School Board According to the Pennsylvania School code, a school teacher must report their criminal convictions to the school board. In some instances, this may result in the teacher being deemed ineligible to teach. These rules affect: Teachers Principals Secretaries School Nurses Coaches Cafeteria Staff…
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Pennsylvania Teachers who have been arrested for a DUI should immediately contact an experienced DUI attorney.
At The McShane Firm, we represent a lot of professionals who need to protect their careers. People who can’t afford to get a DUI- hire The McShane Firm. For a free consultation, call us now at (717) 657-3900.
For Additional Free Information:

Important Lesson for Teachers Charged with a DUI
A DUI Can Mean Losing Your Teaching Job One of the common concerns for teachers who are charged with a DUI is about whether they will lose their job. You’ve put in so much hard work to get to this point. Watching it all come down in an instant can be very scary. Fortunately, The…
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Bad Scores for Teachers with DUI
If you are a teacher convicted of a DUI, there are many consequences in addition to the possible fines, license suspension and jail time. Given the societal stigma associated with teachers with any criminal convictions, and the role they play as educators for children, a DUI can hinder or even end a teacher’s career. Keep…
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How a DUI Can Affect Licensed Professionals
While many people may think that a DUI is irrelevant to their professional license, the reality is that a DUI conviction can have long term, unexpected consequences for one’s career and reputation. Some licenses may be revoked or suspended. Also future professional license applicants may also be ineligible from obtaining a new license. In many cases,…
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Important Lesson for Teachers
A DUI Can Mean Losing Your Teaching Job A drunk driving charge can be a disaster for a school teacher who is convicted. The teacher may face immediate termination, non-renewal of contracts or loss of teacher certification. Teaching jobs can be lost after a DUI conviction for even a FIRST offense. Even an arrest for…
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New Law Requiring Pennsylvania Teachers to Report DUI Convictions
Pennsylvania has passed new laws pertaining to the criminal history of anyone working at a school. Because of its wide reach and severe restrictions, it is important that anyone working in a school should understand these laws in detail. Pennsylvania has over 3,000 schools and these laws affect: Teachers Principals Secretaries School Nurses Coaches Cafeteria…
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New Pennsylvania Laws Require Teachers to Report Arrests including DUI
Teachers around Pennsylvania are facing a peculiar situation. New laws will result in teachers being ineligible for prospective employment for certain DUI Offenses. The new law calls for a three (3) year ineligibility period for a prospective employee convicted of a second DUI if it is graded as a misdemeanor of the first degree. Any…
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Information about DUI for PA Teachers
I get a lot of question from Pennsylvania teachers about DUI. In addition to legal penalties, they are normally worried about how a DUI conviction will effect their standing as a licensed teacher. There is no “hard and fast” rule and other factors such as a teacher’s disciplinary record may also be considered. Here are…
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