Pennsylvania is an exciting place during the summer. With beautiful national parks, historical landmarks, theme parks and many other attractions, there sure is a lot to do here PA. However, along with the pick up in activity and excitement, there is certainly an up-tick in the number of people arrested for DUI. “Why does this…
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Clarification on DUI Prescription Drugs
On a recent post about DUI prescription drugs a reader commented that prescription drugs in fact do impair drivers and thus they are not innocent. I feel this issue needs to be clarified. While many prescription drugs can cause impairment, there is a growing number of cases where a driver took prescription drugs, was not…
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Pennsylvania DUI Law Review: Repeat Offenses
Under Pennsylvania’s DUI code, repeat offenders are subject to extremely harsh punishments. Some of the penalties for a repeat conviction may include: Mandatory Jail time up to 5 years Fines up to $10,000 License suspension up to 18 months (served after the prison sentence) Mandatory ignition interlock As you can see, these are crippling penalties…
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5 Ways to Avoid a DUI (After Getting Pulled Over)
The cops have pulled you over on suspicion of a DUI. Here are 5 practical tips you can use to avoid a DUI conviction…
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Defending CDL DUI Cases
I get a lot of questions about CDL cases and wanted to share some information about them. Under Pennsylvania DUI law, CDL drivers face some of the harshest penalties out of anyone. (See our post CDL Driver DUI) If you are a CDL driver you are not only facing jail time and a lengthy license…
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DUI Arrests Purposely Targeting Innocent People
You may be surprised to learn that some DUI laws in Pennsylvania specifically target innocent people. Yes, even if you haven’t had a sip of alcohol or abused any illicit drugs, you can still be arrested for DUI and charged with a DUI equivalent to those with “Highest Rate” blood alcohol levels. Even for a…
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Suspended Before a DUI Conviction- Is this Even Constitutional?
According to local reports, a judge in Northampton County Pennsylvania has suspended the driver’s license of some of those suspected for DUI, even before the matter has been resolved in court: Policy of taking licenses before a DUI conviction draws critics The Salisbury Township woman insisted she was innocent of allegations she had driven drunk,…
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Distracted Driving Increasing Despite Bans
Recent survey by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) showed that driving while using a cellphone has increased over the past year despite the fact that this has been banned by a large number of states. How widespread is this problem? According to reports about distracted driving, 18% of people surveyed by NHTSA admitted…
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Arrested for DUI over the holidays? What to do next
If you were one of the many who hit the Pennsylvania roadways this weekend, you probably noticed the increased police presence as part of Pennsylvania’s DUI enforcement efforts. However, one of the side effects of these DUI operations is that police officers are in the mindset to make arrests and thus make a high number…
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New Law Requiring Pennsylvania Teachers to Report DUI Convictions
Pennsylvania has passed new laws pertaining to the criminal history of anyone working at a school. Because of its wide reach and severe restrictions, it is important that anyone working in a school should understand these laws in detail. Pennsylvania has over 3,000 schools and these laws affect: Teachers Principals Secretaries School Nurses Coaches Cafeteria…
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