Pennsylvania driving while texting penalties underscore the political nature of criminal penalties in PA. Under the new measure, drivers found guilty of driving while texting (DWT) would face a $50 fine. Compare this to the penalties for DUI and you will notice a huge discrepancy. Pa. Senate Approves Texting While Driving Ban Governor Expected To…
read more »Tag: Pennsylvania DUI Laws
How a Pennsylvania DUI Can Affect Your Child Custody Rights
Under New Pennsylvania Laws: A DUI Conviction for Anyone in Your Home Can Affect Your Custody Rights As I have often mentioned on this blog, the penalties for a Pennsylvania DUI are very severe and they last a lifetime. Unfortunately, these penalties are only getting more and more severe and have serious ramifications on other,…
read more »New Pennsylvania Laws Require Teachers to Report Arrests including DUI
Teachers around Pennsylvania are facing a peculiar situation. New laws will result in teachers being ineligible for prospective employment for certain DUI Offenses. The new law calls for a three (3) year ineligibility period for a prospective employee convicted of a second DUI if it is graded as a misdemeanor of the first degree. Any…
read more »Pennsylvania DUI: You can’t afford it
At PA DUI Blog we have detailed the numerous criminal and financial penalties of a DUI conviction in Pennsylvania and the honest truth is, a DUI conviction is horribly costly and will cost you for the rest of your life. When you factor in the fines, increased insurance premiums, time lost at work and possible…
read more »Pennsylvania Changes Boating Under the Influence (BUI) Laws
Governor Corbett recently signed a new bill that stiffens the penalties for boating under the influence (BUI) in Pennsylvania. Under the new bill, someone arrested for boating under the influence will be charges as a repeat offender if they have prior DUI convictions on their record. The new bill also upgrades homicide by a boating…
read more »Pennsylvania Bans Bath Salts and Synthetic Marijuana
The Pennsylvania State Senate has moved to ban bath salts and synthetic marijuana. The bill now awaits Gov. Corbett’s signature to be passed into law. Under the proposed bill, bath salts and synthetic drugs like Spice and K2 will be banned and classified as “Schedule 1” drugs. Penalties for Bath Salts and Synthetic Marijuana Unless…
read more »PA DUI Drugs Update: K2 Banned by DEA
The United States Department of Justice has banned Five Synthetic Cannabinoids including JWH-018 the main ingredient in K2 and Spice. You can expect that Pennsylvania will also ban these substances and attach very severe penalties to them as well. Once they do this, driving under the influence of these substances will also result in a…
read more »Pulled Over for Weaving Inside a Lane
Dear PA DUI Attorney, I was recently pulled over for a DUI after cops saw me weaving. What is your take on this? One of the most common pre-arrest signs police officers cite in DUI cases is “the suspect was weaving.” There are two types of weaving, weaving between the lane markers and weaving across…
read more »Tougher Penalties for repeat Pennsylvania drunk drivers
A lot of politics surround the issue of DUI in PA. There are many powerful lobbies like MADD and the Pennsylvania DUI Association that are pushing for harsher penalties for DUI and have even proposed some legislation that, in essence, assumes that a suspect is guilty before they have had a chance in court. I…
read more »PA DUI Police Violate our Constitutional Rights
Pennsylvania Police are Conducting Illegal Random Stops for DUI The Fourth Amendment of the Constitution makes it illegal for police to make arrests without probable cause. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue,…
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