A recently filed lawsuit shows two Pennsylvania State troopers allegedly discussing their “DUI Quota”. Without performing roadside sobriety tests to establish probable cause in a May 2015 arrest in the parking lot of a bar near Lehighton, troopers speculated whether the suspect sitting in the back of a cruiser was “DUI,” the suit alleges. One…
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State Police Investigating Cadets for Cheating at Police Academy
Law enforcement officials and lawmakers are up in arms over allegations that cadets cheated on exams at Hershey’s State Police Academy. An investigation is underway after it was discovered that “cheat sheet” was used by a group of cadets who were due to graduate in March. Pa. State Police investigate academy’s ‘unprecedented’ cheating allegations An investigation of possible cheating…
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Breaking News: Pennsylvania State Police to Halt Breath Testing
In the aftermath of the ruling in Commonwealth v. Schildt, Pennsylvania State Police has decided to halt all DUI breath testing in Pennsylvania. Dauphin County Court of Common Pleas Judge Lawrence F. Clark Jr. in his ruling in Schildt pointed out two major areas of concern in regards to DUI breath testings: 1. Breath testing…
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DUI Myth Busters: The Police Have Thorough DUI Training
One of the common misconceptions among the general public, judges and the police themselves, is that police officers have ample DUI training. I can tell you from my experiences as a DUI attorney in Pennsylvania, that this is not the case. Whether it is Pennsylvania State Police or local police, the vast majority of officers…
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Pennsylvania Police Officer Admits to Lying in DUI Cases
We all want to trust the police and see them as upright protectors of justice. While many police officers are very professional and take their responsibility very seriously, there are others who are corrupt and use unscrupulous tactics that harm the common citizen. Bad cops exist everywhere and there is no shortage of them in…
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DUI Arrests in York County are the 7th Highest in PA
I recently came across some statistics about DUI arrests in York County: York County ranks seventh in Pa. DUI arrests York County had one of the highest rates of DUI arrests in the state from 2008-10. But authorities aren’t sure whether that means the number of people who decided to drive under the influence is…
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Pennsylvania authorities claim to have super-secret DUI sauce to stop DUIs
As the premier DUI attorney in PA, I see it as my duty to zealously fight for the rights of all of the public and especially those accused of DUI in Pennsylvania. As a part of my commitment to public safety, I am currently involved in a battle over access to the DUI training materials…
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Pennsylvania State Police Make Record Number of DUI Arrests in 2010
Pennsylvania State Police has reported its DUI arrest numbers for 2010: HARRISBURG, Pa., April 21, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Pennsylvania State Police made a record number of arrests for driving under the influence in 2010, while the number of alcohol-related crashes investigated by troopers dropped slightly, Commissioner Frank Noonan announced today. “Protecting the public is the…
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Pennsylvania Man Files Suit Against the Police
Pennsylvania Man Files Suit Against the Police For Being Shot in the Course of an Alleged DUI Attorney Tim Barrouk is an aggressive litigator and one of the best DUI and criminal defense lawyers in PA. He is currently representing a Cumberland County man who is seeking $1 million in damages after a Pennsylvania state…
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DUI Detection Cues
Are Pennsylvania Police Officers Being Misinformed About DUI? One of the important aspects of DUI enforcement that is being treated lightly is properly training Pennsylvania’s police force. The truth of the matter is that police officers in PA who receive very little DUI training are entrusted with the very difficult task of determining who is…
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