Imagine getting pulled over and accused of a DUI even though you were completely innocent. Imagine spending over 5 months in jail even though your test results came back negative- more than once. Imagine losing your job and your place to live because of this extended false imprisonment. You think this is a fictional story?…
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Video Shows Pennsylvania State Troopers Discussing DUI Quota
A recently filed lawsuit shows two Pennsylvania State troopers allegedly discussing their “DUI Quota”. Without performing roadside sobriety tests to establish probable cause in a May 2015 arrest in the parking lot of a bar near Lehighton, troopers speculated whether the suspect sitting in the back of a cruiser was “DUI,” the suit alleges. One…
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How Police can rob you of your property and get away with it
Civil forfeiture is being completely abused by police departments across the country. Basically, private citizens are being robbed of their property. Take a look at this investigative piece that shows just how much injustice is being done: Unfortunately, as you can see, this can happen to just about anyone. You don’t have to be guilty…
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State Police Investigating Cadets for Cheating at Police Academy
Law enforcement officials and lawmakers are up in arms over allegations that cadets cheated on exams at Hershey’s State Police Academy. An investigation is underway after it was discovered that “cheat sheet” was used by a group of cadets who were due to graduate in March. Pa. State Police investigate academy’s ‘unprecedented’ cheating allegations An investigation of possible cheating…
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The need for transparency in law enforcement
The recent events in Ferguson and many other cities in country highlight the need for greater transparency in law enforcement. There are many cases, every day, in every corner of the country in which some cops lie, abuse or break the rules. This can range from arresting someone on false charges, failing to conduct an…
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Philly Police Involved in Organized Crime
The police are entrusted to uphold the law and justice not extort, rob, and sell drugs. Reports out of Philly show police corruption at its finest. Philly police officers used gangland tactics to rob drug dealers, say federal authorities PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Six city narcotics officers used gangland tactics to shake down drug dealers, robbing…
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The Cops are the “Good Guys” Right?
When I was little we were always taught that the cops were the “good guys” charged with protecting the public. Videos like the one below shatter that theory. In the video below, cops forced a driver out of his vehicle and handcuff him. While the citizen is lying on the ground totally harmless and defenseless,…
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Judge Upholds Firing of Trooper Who Issued Bogus DUIs
Imagine being charged with a DUI knowing you were 100% innocent and the charges were completely bogus. Now imagine being convicted of this bogus DUI because the court believed the testimony of the corrupt police officer. License suspension Jail Fines Public embarrassment All because of one corrupt police officer. That is what a court found…
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Another Case of Police Corruption in Pennsylvania
Once again Pennsylvania police are under fire. This time because police officers robbed drug dealers (who are the bad guys again?): Police Accused of Corruption Two former Philadelphia Police officers are now on the other side of the law after they allegedly robbed drug dealers while still on-duty. Investigators say Jonathan Garcia, 23, and Sydemy…
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If You Think the Police are Honest, Please Read This
A recent opinion piece in the New York Times deals with the question, “Are police officers honest?” It is a fascinating and well researched piece: Why Police Lie Under Oath THOUSANDS of people plead guilty to crimes every year in the United States because they know that the odds of a jury’s believing their word…
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