Many of our clients have a similar complaint. When they read the police report, it sounds nothing like what actually happened. It’s like the police are making stuff up. Furthermore, everyone in court believes the officer in the blue uniform and not the person who got arrested. It can all feel so hopeless. Many of…
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Pennsylvania pays compensation for a man who was falsely imprisoned for a DUI
Imagine getting pulled over and accused of a DUI even though you were completely innocent. Imagine spending over 5 months in jail even though your test results came back negative- more than once. Imagine losing your job and your place to live because of this extended false imprisonment. You think this is a fictional story?…
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Video Shows Pennsylvania State Troopers Discussing DUI Quota
A recently filed lawsuit shows two Pennsylvania State troopers allegedly discussing their “DUI Quota”. Without performing roadside sobriety tests to establish probable cause in a May 2015 arrest in the parking lot of a bar near Lehighton, troopers speculated whether the suspect sitting in the back of a cruiser was “DUI,” the suit alleges. One…
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Mis-calibrated Breathalyzer Machine Problems in PA
One of the main problems with DUI breath testing is that individual police departments are responsible for making sure the machines are working properly. There are no checks and balances. Imagine a restaurant conducting its own food and health inspections. It makes no sense. Well then why does it make sense for the police to…
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Mandating the Use of Dashcams Can Help Serve Justice Better
Most of the time, dashcams are brought up in conversations about protecting citizens against corrupt police officers. There is another side. Dashcams protect police officers too. Many times police encounters hinge on the statements of two people: the office and the citizen. Usually you end up with two conflicting sides of a story. Dashcams and…
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$814,000 Grant to Make the Criminal Records System More Effective in PA
According to the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD), Pennsylvania police departments failed to collect the background data on over 1,500 felons. That means 1 out of every 9 times, police failed to do their most basic of jobs. To improve this worrisome trend, the PCCD has just been awarded a $814,000 grant from…
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PA Woman sues police over false DUI
DUI is a very serious charge. So much so that just simply being charged can really change a person’s life forever. DUI carries a huge social and political stigma. People don’t consider the facts of the case. They judge you in the court of public opinion. This includes friends, family, colleagues and your bosses. On…
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Public Defender Arrested for Defending Her Client’s Constitutional Rights
Very disturbing story out of San Francisco. A public defender was arrested for trying to defend her client’s right to an attorney: SF Public Defender Detained By Police After Trying To Intervene With Questioning Of Client SF deputy public defender Jami Tillotson says she was only trying to protect her client’s constitutional right to counsel…
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How DUI lobbies are robbing you of your Constitutional Rights
MADD and other drunk driving lobbies lobby the government to release millions of dollars worth of grants to police departments to carry out drunk driving initiatives. The departments, in turn, set up roadblocks to arbitrarily stop drivers. For example, it has been noticed that police officers camp out at a certain point and stop drivers for…
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Cops get awards for DUI arrests
We often see headlines like these: Pa. DUI Association honoring police for DUI enforcement but seldom do we think about some of the negatives that these types of awards produce. DUI lobbies like these awards police officers all over the country for making a high number of DUI arrests. This in turn creates a competition…
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