You may think all attorneys will do the same job for you. This is far from the truth. Your choice of your attorney is the most important choice you can make. The famous poet Robert Frost once said: A jury consists of twelve persons chosen to decide who has the better lawyer. Many people choose…
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What to Expect if You’re Expecting… a DUI: Preliminary Hearings
DUI Preliminary Hearings in PA: A Brief Introduction I frequently represent people all over the Harrisburg area when they are accused of a DUI. Two of the most frequent questions I get asked are: (A) What is a preliminary hearing all about, and (B) Am I definitely going to go to jail or lose my…
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The day you have been waiting for — the Trial. Understanding the Pennsylvania DUI court procedures can be complex, but with the right attorney, it can be managed to give you a better outcome. In this 6-part big series, we have outlined the legal process. Of course, having an experienced DUI attorney will not only…
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I Got a DUI Over Labor Day Weekend- What Should I Do Now?
Labor Day is supposed to be the last celebration of the summer. Too bad the cops rained on your parade. Every year many Pennsylvania drivers get arrested for DUI during the Labor Day long weekend and every year those of them who choose The McShane Firm walk away satisfied with their choice. Make the right…
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The Difference Between a DUI Professional and a Wannabe
Robert Frost once said: A jury consists of twelve persons chosen to decide who has the better lawyer. Choosing the right lawyer is a decision that can have a profound effect on the outcome of your case. A good lawyer will do everything they can to protect your rights while a bad lawyer can lead…
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Justin McShane: The DUI Jedi!
Hi, I’m Justin McShane. For those of you who don’t know me well I would like to tell you that I’m a fighter who is sworn to fight for the citizen accused. Law enforcement is a human endeavor and an error prone one at that. The result is many people are falsely accused of DUI…
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What Happens When You Choose the Wrong Lawyer
For a person charged with a DUI, selecting the right lawyer is the most important choice they can make. In my travels across Pennsylvania and across the country, I have noticed a huge difference in the approach that attorneys take in handling DUI cases: There is one group which rigorously prepares and defends DUI cases…
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Suspended Before a DUI Conviction- Is this Even Constitutional?
According to local reports, a judge in Northampton County Pennsylvania has suspended the driver’s license of some of those suspected for DUI, even before the matter has been resolved in court: Policy of taking licenses before a DUI conviction draws critics The Salisbury Township woman insisted she was innocent of allegations she had driven drunk,…
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A DUI Attorney with Guts
DUI is not a minor criminal offense. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has attached very heavy penalties to DUI charges which means even a first offense can lead to jail time, hefty fines and a lengthy license suspension. On top of all of that, your insurance premiums will increase and you may lose out on job…
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Why The McShane Firm?
If you were one of the many Pennsylvania drivers who were arrested for DUI over the holidays, then this is probably a very confusing time for you. The fact of the matter is, many people arrested for DUI have no previous criminal history and this is their first experience with the criminal justice system. As…
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