The PA DUI Attorneys at The McShane Firm are trained to handle all types of DUI cases including complicated CDL cases. I have blogged about Pennsylvania CDL DUI laws and penalties in the past. Under Pennsylvania DUI Law, CDL drivers face the stiffest penalties even if the DUI occurred in their personal non-commercial vehicle, and…
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In part 3 of this blog series, “The DUI Sink Hole,” we will continue discussing ways to avoid falling in deeper. One way to dig your hole WAY, WAY, WAY deeper is to try to defend your DUI case yourself — to become what we call a DIY lawyer. Why? 1. Don’t Assume that You…
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Charged with a DUI? What’s NEXT?
A DUI offense is a serious, often life-altering event. If you were arrested for the first time, you may be asking yourself “What’s next?” No one plans on getting a DUI, so you probably have no idea what you are in store for. You’re probably scared. Here’s what you can expect to happen in the very…
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Another Example of Excellence in DUI Defense
At The McShane Firm, we don’t strive to be Good at DUI defense; we strive for Excellence. Our performance proves that. Recently, we received some great news on a case we were working on. After SIX YEARS, multiple orders for re-trials in a case that was heard at many levels in the Pennsylvania appellate system, the…
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Dumb DUI Defense
To all those who say that all DUI lawyer are the same, I present to you…the dumbest DUI defense in the world: Dina Lohan drove totally wasted and it’s all because the paparazzi drove her to the bottle and then the steering wheel … this according to her bizarre lawyer. Dina and her lawyer, Mark…
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Top 10 Reasons You Should Hire an Attorney, Even Before You Have Been Charged
10. This won’t go away: If they took your blood, they are going to find something. Whether it is alcohol or prescription drugs, you can expect a charge as soon as the blood reports get back from the lab. 9. Intimidation: When we are retained, we fax the officer to make sure they know that…
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Why You Should Consult with a DUI Lawyer (Even if You are Guilty)
Being charged with a DUI can be very confusing and scary. There are many details to take into consideration before making an decision on how to proceed with your case. If you make the wrong moves and are miscalculate, you could end up in jail and face a lengthy license suspension. As a PA DUI…
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Training to be the Best
Our regular readers know that I place a lot of emphasis on advanced DUI training and lecturing. In 2011 I spent over 600 hours in training seminars and will top that again this year. That’s the equivalent of 3 months solid of training. There is no DUI lawyer in PA who spends this much time…
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Why You Shouldn’t Represent Yourself in DUI Case
Abraham Lincoln once said – “He who represents himself has a fool for a client” Lincoln, an attorney himself, said it best and this is particularly the case with DUI. Pennsylvania DUI laws are complex and DUI evidence is highly technical. Still, many citizens feel they can represent themselves. This is not a wise decision….
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How Bad Can a Bad Lawyer Really Be?
No matter how many times it’s said, some people still don’t understand how bad a bad lawyer can really be. The Innocence Project list bad lawyering as one of the leading causes to false convictions. Here is an excerpt from on of the profiles highlighting this issue: The exoneration and release of Jimmy Ray Bromgard…
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